Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Plunge

After months of procrastination we finally took up the courage and submitted our resignation letters in May 2007. Our bosses were shocked, colleagues were asking why we left. Most of them couldn't understand why on earth are we doing something like that. Guess it is the Asians' mentality, most people just can't accept the idea of having a career break.

So what were the main reasons that really motivated us on going on such a long trip?
  1. Burn out from work
  2. Love to travel which was a very obvious reason
  3. A challenge on one self being out of the comfort zone
  4. Travel companies were expensive and offers rigid itinerary 
  5. That if i don't do it now, i might never get to do it once i start having more commitments like loans and family
  6. Age was catching up on us. You get perks when you travel below a certain age. Eg. free admission,discount fares and accommodations
  7. Getting  to learn and understand the different culture in the world
  8. To see all the great wonders of the world
  9. To explore at our own pace
  10. To experience it as a traveller

There you go, it was a piece of cake to come up with reasons to do it !


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