It is highly recommended! Although, you could still purchase single tickets at the stations but having the passes really help save alot of money and brings you tremendous convenience.
Do note that there are perks that comes together with your passes so take note of them before you travel so that you can plan your trip accordingly. In Switzerland for example, you can use it for a cruise on the lake or for a free or discounted cable ride. Be very clear about the perks and use it to your advantage.
There are mainly 4 types of passes; Global Pass, Select Pass, Regional Pass and 1 country Pass. It can be a headache trying to find the best type to suit your travel plan. But 1 thing we learn during our trip was to purchase or include countries where transportation are expensive. For example; Train fares in Italy is relatively inexpensive compare to Switzerland.(
Singapore travelers head to STA office ( to purchase your tickets, remember to have them before you leave for europe as you can't buy them anymore when you are there. These are special privilege for travelers not from the EU. But should you decide that you really need them and you are already in Europe, get someone at home to purchase them and have it deliver to you.
This is another way that you can travel around and there are quite a few bus companies that does this. All you have to do is google it and you will get a handful to choose from. Some people are very familiar with contiki, it is mainly cater to the young hence its only for those 18-35 years old travelers. But we didn't choose that because we found it to be too yuppie for us even though we fall into the age category. Expect lots of partying and boozing.
After searching through the net, we decide on the company busabout, there is no age limit and it provides lots of flexibility which is what we wanted. You could hop on and off the bus and explore the place as long as you want. It basically consist of 3 different routes that covers different part of europe and you can purchase 1, 2 or all 3 loop whichever best suits you. Once you have done that you can travel in your loop as many times as you would like before the season ends. (