Zhang Yimou's- Impression of Lijiang
I don't think anyone who goes to the Jade Dragon Mountain missed this show. How could you? Well, unless you have watch it before.
How much is the ticket? It is 190RMB for normal seats and 290RMB for VIP seats.
What's the diff? Not much if you ask me, VIP seats are situated in the centre and their seats are identified by reds seats and black cap. Once you paid for the tickets, you get a raincoat and a cap. Normal seats get the red cap which you could bring back while the VIP gets the black cap. The raincoat has to be returned.
During the show, which last for approximately an hour we notice that the VIP area is pretty empty and a lot of Chinese tourist tend to try to sneak into the area (it's fence up). But there are 2-3 body guards patrolling in the VIP area and they always catches those sneaking it. Well, wearing a red cap is pretty obvious that you paid the normal price. In my opinion the best seats are right in front of the VIP.
When we were there, it was really cloudy but thank god we got to see the backdrop. They say that its not easy to see the Jade Dragon Mountain clear up but well guess we were a little lucky that day :)

Performers will move around a little during the show. The row that you see in the above pictures are just right in front of the VIP. I think they are the best seats, nobody will be walking around during the show. There is no control, even when the show has started, you see people still streaming in and walking around looking for seats. It is really disruptive, i would enjoy the show more if they stop people from coming in and walking around when the show has started.
Some say its worth it, some say its not. So be prepared. 190RMB its pretty expensive and not forgetting another entrance fee to the park 80RMB. Please do keep the ticket to the entrance fee for the park. Get it back from your guide as it is also the the entrance fee to the Black Dragon Pool Park and some other sites too. For some sites you just pay a nominal fee as you already have the entrance fee ticket.