Amazing, we ended up in Egypt! We had initially wanted to fly to Vietnam and make our way home but decide that we should drop by Egypt since we are able to get a cheap flight, and there was a typhoon in Vietnam. That is the great thing of traveling with no time line, you can choose to go any place you want!
Upon arrival at, we took a public bus to the city of cairo which is about 1 hr away. Bus were pretty run down and dirty but it was the cheapest way to travel. Finding the bus were a little tough too, as numbers were in Arabic. Luckily, we had purchase a guide book in Athens.
I thought Athens was bad but when i reach Cairo it was worst! i have never in my months of traveling, felt that i will like to leave the place immediately. Touts were everywhere, guidebooks warns us about the extent but being here it was so much more real and intense. You had to be really on your guard 24/7. A person could easily break down with the constant harassment, dusty roads, blazing hot weather and dirty crowded buildings.
Traffic was Bad, Bad, Bad....i thought i have seen it all in Bangkok but this was way worst. Nobody heeds the traffic lights and lanes are insignificant here. A 3 lane road can become a 5-6 lane road. One cannot miss the constant honking of the cars, they seems to do it not to warn of danger but more of a pleasure or habit. Scams are countless here and be prepare to be overcharge by ridiculous price.
Enough say about Cairo but going to see the pyramid at the Giza was great. It was amazing to be standing infront of one after seeing them on TV. You really start to wonder looking at one how was it done and why were they build in this shape.
We also manage to climb into the red pyramid at Dashur to have a look inside. Although, the tomb was already looted, it was still incredible descending along the long dark stuffy tunnel to get into the tomb.